Saturday Evening Study

15 February 2025 - 240 W 4th St.
Loveland, 80537
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MM min
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Women's Ministry

Women's Bible Study is on break for the Summer. We will continue in the Fall, so stay updated on this website for more information!

“Walk the Word” Women’s Ministry

Welcome to Walk the Word Women’s Ministry where women gather centered on the Word of God for teaching, training and encouragement.
The Book of Hebrews tells us that, “…the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,” so when the women gather together at Calvary Chapel Loveland, they begin with and are anchored to the Word of God. With the support of one another, women of all spiritual maturities find a place they can trust for the consistent, faithful support that only the presence of God can provide, and discover their place of service and worship in The Lord.

It is the intent of this ministry to support women in:

  • Seeking the Lord and His scriptures for answers to their lives (2 Tim. 2:15, 1Pet 1:22)
  • Establishing a habit of daily communion with their Savior (2 Cor. 13:14)
  • Learning to crave His presence (Ps. 140:13; 31:19)
  • Appropriating His truths for their lives (Ps. 25:5, 10)
  • Responding to what they learn (1 Jn. 3:18-19)
  • Living what they know as truth (Jms 1:25; Jn. 3:21)
  • Encouraging others with the encouragement they have received (1 Thes. 5:11)
When we experience others walking the spiritual life, we crave it for ourselves! Come join us, whatever the stage of your walk with Jesus, and find out what the Lord has to offer you; how you can serve Him and what you have to offer others!

Upcoming Women's Events


Sundays @ 10:00am

240 W 4th St
Loveland, CO 80537
PHONE: (970) 667-0321
FAX: (888) 806-0872
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